Biomedical Signal Processing
Typical Biomedical Signal
- Dr. Has Berger firstly recorded EEG signal in 1926
- Clinical EEG
Type | Spectrum Range | Phenomenon |
Beta | 13-30Hz | Frontal and parentally |
Aplha | 8-13Hz | Occipitally |
Theta | 4-8Hz | Children, sleeping Adults |
Delta | 0.5-4Hz | Infants, sleeping Adults |
Spikes | 3Hz | Epilepsy-petit mal |
EEG signal is generated by Electro Neurophysiologic Signal
- Spike
- LFP: Local Field Potential
- sEEG: stero-electroencephalography
- ECog/iEEG
- EEG (Non Invasive)
Scalp EEG
- 1926, Hans Berger-EEG
- 1933, Adrain verified EEG in Cambridge
- 1958, Dawson designed EP University of London
- 1967, Sutton-P300-ERP
- Spontaneous EEG
- Evoked Potentials: External Stimulations
- Event-Related Potentials
EEG Lead System: International 10-20 System
- Bipolar
- Unipolar
- EEG Sensor
- Amplifier
- Filter
- A/D
- Artifacts Rejection
- ERP (from ERP)
- Grand Average
- Data analysis
Evoked Potentials
- VEP(Visual EP)
- VEP(Visual EP)
ERPs: Event-related potential
- Potential change when voking and revoking stimulations
Basic Principle of ERPs Extraction
- EEG covers ERPs
- Data Averaging
- ERP characteristic
- Constant waveform
- Constant incubation period
- The EEG obtained on several trials can be averaged together time-locked to the stimulus to form an event-related potential(ERP)
- Collecting/Recording
- History:
- Augustus D. Waller (1856-1922) recorded the first human “electric potential of the heartbeat” using a capillary electrometer (1887)
- Willem Eintowen (1860-1927) developed and Improved the string galvanometer(1901); established the theory and application to heart disease; Named PQRST(U) waves; Invented ECG leads
- History:
- Theory of the Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- The electrical properties of our heat can be measured non-invasively
- ECG Principle:
- P wave: Depolarization of the Atria
- QRS complex: Depolarization of the ventricles
- T wave: Repolarization of the ventricles
- Collecting/Recording
- The electral source is the muscle membrane potential of about 90 mV.
- Surface EMG
- Ultrasonic
- Heart Rate
- Message, Information, Signal
- Classification
Continuous and discrete
- Continuous time signal
- Discrete time signal (Series)
Analog and digital
- Analog: continuous on time and amplitude
- Digital: discrete on time and amplitude
Determinate and random
- Determinate Signal: $x(t)$ could be expressed in a time function
- Periodic signal: $x(t)=x(nT+t)$
- Aperiodic
- Random Signal: a stochastic signal with whole uncertainty
- Stationary Stochastic Signal
- Non Stationary Stochastic Signal
- Determinate Signal: $x(t)$ could be expressed in a time function
Finite energy signal and finite power signal
fractal, chaotic signal
Classification of signals
- Signal
- Deterministic
- Periodic
- Sino-soicial
- Complex
- Nonperiodic
- Almost Periodic
- Transient
- Periodic
- Stochastic
- Stationary
- Ergodic
- Non-Ergodic
- Nonstationary
- Special type
- Stationary
- Deterministic
- Signal
Characteristics of Biomedical Signal
- Weak signal (mv/uV)
- Biomedical signal measurement is weak signal measurement
- Measuring Requirements: high sensitivity, high resolution, noise superession, anti-interference
- Strong Interference
- Low frequency, thin bandwidth
- Complicated, random, non stationary
- Weak signal (mv/uV)
Characteristics of Biomedical System
- Organism
- Openness
- Time-Varient
- Complexity
- Non linearity
- Varability
In a nutshell, Biomedical System is an extremely complicated system
Basic mission of Biomedical Signal Processing
- Filter useless signal because they contaminate signal of interest
- Extract signal in a more obvious or useful method
- Prediction
Cited from Mark van Gils, Fall 2011
- Some objectives of applications that use biosignal processing
- Information gathering
- Diagnosis
- Monitoring
- Therapy and control
- Evaluation
- Example: Notch Filter
- Problems in biosignal processing
- Accessibility
- Variance
- Inter-relationships and interactions among physiological system
- Acquisition interference
- Lack of Gold Standards
- Some objectives of applications that use biosignal processing
Fourier Transformation
One of the most common analysis techiniques that is used for biological signals isaimed at breaking down the signal into its different spectral (frequency) components
Signal Processing Alogrithm == Transformation Operator
Orthogonal function
- inner products equals to 0
- Orthogonal function set
- continuous function meet $$\int_a^b\Phi_n(t)\Phi_m(t)dt=\begin{cases} C,&m=n\ 0,&m\ne n\ \end{cases}$$ on interval [a,b]
Inner Product
- $<f(x),g(x)>=\int_a^bf(x)g(x)dx$
Fourier Transformation
Transform Time Spectrum CTFT Continuous, Aperiodic Continuous, Aperiodic FS Continuous, Periodic Discrete, Aperiodic DTFT Discrete, Aperiodic Continuous, Periodic DFT Discrete, Periodic Discrete, Periodic - Fourier Transformation
- $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty S(t)\cdot e^{-2\pi j \omega t}dt$$
- Fourier Transformation
Properties of DFT
- Linearity $$DFT[ax(n)+by(n)]=aX(k)+bY(k)$$
- Periodical $$x(n)=X(n+N), X(k)=X(k+N)$$
- Time Reversal $$DFT[x(N-n)]=X(N-k)$$
- Circular Time Shift $$DFT[x((n-l))_N]=X(k)e^{-j\frac{2\pi kl}{N}}$$
- Circular Frequency Shift $$DFT[x(n)e^{-j\frac{2\pi nl}{N}}]=X((k-l))_N$$
- Complex Conjugate $$DFT[x^{*}(n)]=X^*(N-k)$$
- Circular Convolution $$DFT[x_1(n)\otimes x_2(n)]=X_1(k)X_2(k)$$
- Multiplication $$DFT[x_1(n)x_2(n)]=X_1(k)\otimes X_2(k)$$
- Parseval’s Theorem $$\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}x(n)x^*(n)=\cfrac{1}{2\pi}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}X(k)X^*(k)$$
Spectrum Analysis
- Magnitude Spectrum: $|X(\omega)|$
- Phase Spectrum: $\theta$
Random/Stochastic Process
- A Stochastic function of time $X(t,\xi)$.
Types of Stochastic Process
- based on time
- Discrete
- Continuous
- based on sample function
- Deterministic stochastic process
- Uncertain stochastic process
- based on distribution function / density function
- stable, normal, rayleigh, markov, …
- based on time
Random Signal
- Random signal could only be described within limited accuracy and confidence.
Statistics of Random signal
- Statistical average
- Distribution
- Statistical Features
Probability Distribution Function
- 1-D probability distribution: $F_X(x_1;t_1)=P{X(t_1)\le x_1}$
- probability density function: $f_x(x_1;t_1)=\cfrac{\partial F_X(x_1;t_1)}{\partial x_1}$
- 2-D probability distribution: $F_X(x_1,x_2;t_1,t_2)=P{X(t_1)\le x_1,X(t_2)\le x_2}$
- $f_x(x_1,x_2;t_1,t_2)=\cfrac{\partial^2F_X(x_1,x_2;t_1,t_2)}{\partial x_1\partial x_2}$
- 1-D probability distribution: $F_X(x_1;t_1)=P{X(t_1)\le x_1}$
Statistical Features
- Expectation(Mean; first moment around zero): $m_x(t)=E[X(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^\infty xf_X(x;t)dx$: DC component
- Mean Square Value(second moment around zero): $\Psi_X(t)=E[X^2(t)]=\int_{-\infty}^\infty x^2f_X(x;t)dx$: Power
- Variance(second moment around central): $\sigma^2_X(t)=D[X(t)]=E[X^2]=E[(X(t)-m_x(t))^2]$: Ac Power
- $$\Psi_X(t)=m_X^2(t)+\sigma_X^2(t)$$
- Correlation Function: $R_X(t_1,t_2)=E[X(t_1)X(t_2)]=\int_{-\infty}^\infty\int_{-\infty}^\infty x_1 x_2 f_X(x_1,x_2;t_1,t_2)dx_1dx_2$
- When $t_1=t_2$, $\tau=0$, auto-correlation function $R_X(0)=E(X^2)$
- Covariance function: $C_X(t_1,t_2)=E[(X(t_1)-m_X(t_1))(X(t_2)-m_X(t_2))]$
- When $\tau=0$, $C_X(0)=\sigma^2(x)$
Stationary random signal
- First order stable process(m=1): mean of the signal not relate to t
- Second order stable process(m=2; wide sense stationary): mean and mean square value not related to t
- relating to or denoting systems or processes with the property that, given sufficient time, they include or impinge on all points in a given space and can be represented statistically by a reasonably large selection of points.
Some typical random process
- Gaussian/Normal process
- $f(x)=\cfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}\exp^{-\cfrac{(x-a)^2}{2\sigma^2}}$
- Ideal White Noise
- $P_\xi(\omega)=\cfrac{n_0}{2} (W/Hz)$
- $R(\tau)=\cfrac{n_0}{2}\delta(\tau)$
- Band-limit White Noise
- $P_\xi=\begin{cases} \cfrac{n_0}{2},&|f|<f_0\ 0, &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}$
- $R(\tau)=2f_0\cfrac{n_0}{2}\cfrac{\sin(w_0\tau)}{w_0\tau}$
- Gaussian/Normal process
- Similarity
- Correlation coefficient: Pearson correlation coeffient
- $r(X,y)=\cfrac{Cov(X,Y)}{\sqrt{Var(X)Var(Y)}}$
- $f(ax+by)=af(x)+bf(y)$
Nonlinear models
- linear models are linear in the parameters which have to be estimated
Linear Correlation
- Synchronism/Similarity/In-phase/Linear Relationship
- $r_{xy}(m)=\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty x(n)y(n+m)$
- $r_{xy}(m)=x(n)\cdot y(n)$
- $r_{xy}(m)=r_{yx}(-m)$